Iyengar Yoga & The Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali


Upcoming Series:

5-Part Essential Series

Fridays 10:30am - 12:30pm

November 17 - December 15

The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali is a concise and timeless resource that illuminates the philosophy and practice of Yoga.

“Have confidence to bring together the theory and practice so that they are in rhythm with each other…” -BKS Iyengar

Discover the timeless wisdom and essential concepts at the heart of Patanjali’s iconic Yoga Sutra. These classes primarily examine the Samadhi Pada - the first of four chapters in the Yoga Sutra, offering insight into the essence, vibrancy, and complexity the mind.

This series is ideal for those who are dedicated to deepening and enriching their personal practice through studying the many facets of Yoga Philosophy.

This course is offered in-person only.