Community Wellness Guidelines

* Feeling Unwell? *

If you are feeling unwell, or someone in your household is feeling unwell, kindly wait until there has been at least 24 hours since active symptoms have improved before returning to the studio for class.

- advice from the Provincial website -

If you have recently recovered from a respiratory infection, and are still experiencing clearing congestion, you are kindly asked to be particularly conscientious.

If you would like to make up for a missed class, you may do so before the end of the session.

* Advice For Known Exposure to a Respiratory Infection *

Keep in mind that symptoms may take up to 14 days to appear.

- advice from the Provincial website -

* After Travelling *

The easiest prevention option to use after travelling is to wait out a 5-day period before returning for in-person classes.

- advice from the Provincial Website -

If you would like to make up for a missed class, you may do so before the end of the session.